
Posts Tagged ‘Von Maur’

Robert Hawkins Documents

August 17, 2008 3 comments

The Killing Path of Robert Hawkins

December 10, 2007 2 comments

911 tapes from Omaha Mall Shooting

December 7, 2007 Leave a comment

Two MP3 tapes of the Omaha Von Maur, mall shooting.  Depending on your settings you may have to just hover your mouse over the links and select the play option.  If that does not work you will have to download the mp3.

First mp3 of 911 calls from Von Maur.

Second mp3 of 911 calls from Von Maur.

Update: two more recordings.

Third mp3 of 911 calls from Von Maur.

Fourth mp3, more shots.

Transcript:  tape not available at this time.

Dispatcher: At the Von Maur?
J.L.: Yes.
D: We do have police en route. Do you have any suspect information?
J.L.: He’s a white gentleman. Um, I didn’t really see him. He had a large gun. We have people injured, we have people who have been shot.
D: We do have police on the way out there, do you know how many people?
J.L.: I would say, as far as I can see, about four or five people.
D: OK, hold on, we are on the way, I’m going to transfer you up to rescue to see if they need that information.
J.L.: OK (names one of the homicide victims), hold on, the ambulance is coming.
Transfer to new dispatcher:
J.L.: Yes, my name is Jodi. I’m with Von Maur. I have people who were down and people who have been shot.
D: In what part of the store?
J.L.: I am on the third floor, that’s where most of the people who have been shot are at.
D: How many people do you have there?
J.L: As far as I can tell, I have two to roughly four that I have seen.
D: The person that did the shooting, where are they at? Do you have any idea?
J.L.: No, I have no idea. As far as I can tell, I remember quickly, he was a white gentleman, about 5-foot-8 inches, had kind of a mustache. Large gun.
D: How old is he?
J.L: I really saw him from a far distance. He was probably around mid-20s. D: Do you have any idea what type of gun it was?
J.L.: It was large.
D: Was it like a pistol-type gun?
J.L: It was big. It wasn’t a rifle but it looked like an automatic type of a gun. D: Do you have the injured parties with you there?
J.L.: I have one in view.
D: OK. I want you to stay down and out of sight, OK?
J.L: OK.
D: Do you have any other information for me?
J.L: I can’t think of anything. I’m sorry, I just — when I heard the gunshot, I got down as soon as possible because I have kids (beginning to cry).
J.L.: Are they here yet?
D: I’m sure the police are in the building, but you know, they’ve got to take their time too, getting up there.
J.L.: Right, right. I just talked to (inaudible) in the locker room, and she’s got a lot of blood on the floor. Hello?
D: I’m still here
J.L.: Alarms have gone off.
J.L.: Can I transfer you to a phone where I can lock myself in to an office?
D: If that’s possible, that’s great.
J.L.: OK, let me transfer you there (transfer music plays). OK, I’m in a secure office, and nobody can get in here unless they have a key.
D: OK, good. Are you in there by yourself?
J.L.: I am, yeah, it’s our security office.
J.L.: Let me look (at the security cameras).
D: The first floor was secured, so they (police) should be on the second floor by now.
J.L.: OK. I can see . . . (inaudible) people were injured.
D: Pardon?
J.L.: When he came in, he just came over to customer service and told them to open the vault.
D: He told them to open the vault when he went over to customer service?
J.L: Yeah. “Open the vault, open the vault.”
D: So this was possibly some type of robbery then that went bad?
J.L.: Correct. Correct.
D: Hold on just a second, Jodi.
J.L.: (gasp) Oh my gosh! It looks like the gun is laying over by customer service. There is an officer here now, I wonder if he . . .
D: Customer service on the third level?
J.L.: Correct, it looks like he might have killed himself (beginning to cry).
D: Do you see him laying by a . . . by a gun?
J.L.: I see him lying there by the gun (crying intensifies).
D: So you see a guy on camera laying by the gun on the floor. Is that correct?
J.L.: Correct, there is an officer there.
D: Does it look like that’s the guy on the camera, is that the guy who was doing the shooting? Can you tell by the clothing?
J.L.: Yeah, it could have been. It’s about the age. I’d have to see his face to be able to tell because of his mustache, it was like he had a mustache.
J.L.: (muffled sound) I don’t want to look anymore. I’m not looking.

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Surveillance pictures released

December 7, 2007 Leave a comment