Home > Technology > GE 60-742-95R Freeze Sensor

GE 60-742-95R Freeze Sensor

I got this sensor for Christmas. I can’t see letting it sit on the shelf. The initial install into the ADT Pulse/Concord 4 home automation system had a whoops on my part.

The directions for this device clearly state, “Do not place on an outside wall.”  That makes sense. An outside wall will radiate the cold through to the sensor. Heading this advice, I placed the sensor on a stud, approximately 3 inches off the wall, right next to the main water line.

At 4:32 in the morning on a particularly cold day, I discovered the error of my ways. The main water line travels past the observation window for the gas line. The sensor was near this window. Cold air streams in through this observation port. The small glass block has zero insulating value.  I believe this is the location of a previous water line freeze.

I moved the sensor off the wall entirely and placed it near the floor, in the room that takes the brunt of the winter wind. If it goes off in that location there is no doubt I have an issue.

Over the years our pipes have froze once. It was -25 with a strong wind. There was no damage since we caught it early. I am not sure the sensor would have gone off under these circumstances. GE Freeze sensors need to be calibrated through the security panel. You set the temperatures via the Concord 4 panel. The device is placed in sensor group 29.  The Freeze Sensor is considered a security device and has to be entered into the system via the Concord 4 security panel.  Once added, it will appear in the ADT Pulse system as a “Freeze Sensor.”   If the device is tripped it will not call the monitoring station.  You will need to set up an “alert” in the ADT Pulse system to send you a text in the event the Freeze Sensor is tripped.  Sensor group 29 WILL sound your home alarm once tripped.

Manual for GE 60-742-95R Freeze Sensor.

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