
Posts Tagged ‘lawyer’

Lynne Stewart

September 26, 2007 Leave a comment

Who is she?  She was the lawyer for the blind sheik and convicted for circumventing procedures established for inmate communication on his behalf.  In short, she smuggled communications out of the prison, for the sheik.

She is teaching an ethics class.  Unless she is the example of “what not to do” this class might have the wrong focus.


A disbarred lawyer convicted of aiding terrorists will be teaching at an upcoming law school ethics conference.

Lynne Stewart, who was found guilty of conspiring with terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, will be speaking October 16 at Hofstra Law School’s “Legal Ethics: Lawyering on the Edge,” in Hempstead, New York.

The speaking engagement comes only a year after Stewart was sentenced to twenty-eight months in prison on charges of conspiracy and providing material support to terrorists.

Prosecutors alleged that Stewart had passed on messages to Abdel Rahman’s radical Muslim followers, authorizing a resumption of terrorist operations against the Egyptian government.

As a result of the convictions, Stewart was automatically disbarred from practicing law.

Her client, Abdel Rahman, was convicted in 1996 of plots to bomb landmarks around New York City.

Stewart will be speaking at Hofstra Law School’s 2007 Legal Ethics Conference, “Lawyering at the Edge: Unpopular Clients, Difficult Cases, Zealous Advocates.” The conference is scheduled for October 14 to 16, 2007 in the Sidney R. Siben and Walter Siben Moot Courtroom (room 308) of Hofstra Law School.

According to the University’s website, the conference will feature “dynamic speakers who will weigh in on controversial issues such as prosecutorial abuse, the challenges of representing prisoners at Guantanamo, and attacks on lawyers who represent unpopular clients and causes.”
