
Posts Tagged ‘Maya Angelou’

Three Women Who Inspired the Modern Libertarian Movement

March 12, 2010 Leave a comment

Rose Wilder Lane, Isabel Paterson, and Ayn Rand: Three Women Who Inspired the Modern Libertarian Movement | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty.

While most of us have heard of Ayn Rand, we probably haven’t heard of Rose Wilder Lane or Isabel Paterson, two other extraordinary, pro-free
market female thinkers who are not studied in “post modern feminist thought.”   Certainly not in colleges who prefer to read Maya Angelou
poems and dream about the glory days of Gloria Steinam and Bella Abzug (ugghh).

Below is a primer on all three ladies and their best works.  If you’re a Rand fan and have read The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged and loved
them, consider The Discovery of Freedom and/or The God of the Machine…in essence, read a book that drives liberals nuts..